What Happens If You Don’t Pay A Car Title Loan Back?
If you can't pay back car title loans it will be difficult for you to get another car down the line. The lender will play hardball, not approving your loan request or charging exorbitant interest rates. You'll have to pay for this life with the consequences of not being able to pay off your debt. Nevertheless, if find yourself in this unfortunate situation, there are ways out of it. You can negotiate terms with the lender and come up with a different repayment plan that meets both of your needs; if they refuse to negotiate then it might be time for you to explore bankruptcy or other legal options that could help bring an end to this terrible situation. If you're in more desperate straits, you can simply declare bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a way to wipe out some of your debts and start over with a clean slate. However, the best thing to do is get someone who knows bankruptcy law to help you understand how it works so that you can figure out the best strategy for your situati...